EM Duggan donates wrestling mats to Canton Highschool

“Ive learned that you shouldn’t go through life with a catchers mitt on both hands. You need to be able to throw something back.” 

Those profound words by Maya Angelou resonate with the team at EM Duggan, so when the fifth generation, family run, Canton based company learned the high school wrestling team needed new equipment they gladly donated $13,000. 

In 1891 EM Duggan started out as a mom and pop shop, since then, they have become one of the Boston areas largest mechanical contractors operating out of three massive buildings in Canton and an office in Boston. They have been in Canton for more than seventy years and their drive and perseverance makes them one of the oldest family run HVAC, plumbing and fire protection companies in the country. As the business grew Edward Duggan II fostered a culture of giving back. 

“We are honored to help the Canton High School Wresting Team, states EM Duggan 
Executive Vice President, Len Monfredo, “Working with the community is something Ed Duggan encouraged one hundred and twenty-five years ago and something we strive to continue. We are proud to be a part of Canton and this donation is a small way for us to give back to the community.”

Head Coach Brian Caffelle says the donation will go towards the purchase of wrestling mats, “The mat donation will go a long way to help us host competitions. Our current mats are very heavy and require a lot of people to move them and get them ready for competition and they also take up a lot of space. These new mats make setting up quick and easy. It also will help save space with the hope that we will be able to host more tournaments in the future by maximizing the space available while allowing spectators to come and watch events. This can expose more people to wrestling events in Canton and hopefully encourage other student athletes to try wrestling in the winter. This would make our program stronger moving forward.” 

“It’s fitting for EM Duggan to donate to the wrestling program. Though many consider wrestling an individual sport those involved know it is all about being part of the something bigger; bonding and cheering on fellow teammates,” states Monfredo. “It’s a unique sport because it allows the wrestler to be part of a family but also maintain a style of their own. In that respect it is similar the family culture here at EM Duggan.” 

“When the wrestlers found out about the EM Duggan donation they were ecstatic. To know that there are people in the town that care about our program to the point of donating brand new mats means that the students are doing well not only competing, but are representing the program and the town of Canton well. It was great news to receive,”states Caffelle


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